Source code for elicit.simulations

# noqa SPDX-FileCopyrightText: 2024 Florence Bockting <>
# noqa SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0

import tensorflow as tf
import tensorflow_probability as tfp

tfd = tfp.distributions

# initalize generator model
[docs] class Priors(tf.Module): """ Initializes the hyperparameters of the prior distributions. Attributes ---------- ground_truth : bool whether samples are drawn from a true prior ('oracle') global_dict : dict dictionary containing all user and default input settings logger : logging method retrieves module name for passing it to the logger init_priors : dict initialized hyperparameters (i.e., trainable variables); None if ground_truth = True """
[docs] def __init__(self, ground_truth, init_matrix_slice, trainer, parameters, network, expert, seed): """ Initializes the hyperparameters (i.e., trainable variables) Parameters ---------- ground_truth : bool whether samples are drawn from a true prior ('oracle') global_dict : dict dictionary containing all user and default input settings. """ self.ground_truth = ground_truth self.init_matrix_slice = init_matrix_slice self.trainer=trainer self.parameters=parameters # set seed tf.random.set_seed(seed) # initialize hyperparameter for learning (if true hyperparameter # are given, no initialization is needed) if not self.ground_truth: self.init_priors = intialize_priors( self.init_matrix_slice, self.trainer["method"], seed, self.parameters, else: self.init_priors = None
[docs] def __call__(self): """ Samples from the initialized prior distribution(s). Returns ------- prior_samples : dict Samples from prior distribution(s). """ prior_samples = sample_from_priors( self.init_priors, self.ground_truth, self.trainer["num_samples"], self.trainer["B"], self.trainer["seed"], self.trainer["method"], self.parameters,, ) return prior_samples
[docs] def intialize_priors(init_matrix_slice, method, seed, parameters, network): """ Initialize prior distributions. Parameters ---------- global_dict : dict dictionary including all user-and default input settings. Returns ------- init_prior : dict returns initialized prior distributions ready for sampling. """ # set seed tf.random.set_seed(seed) if method == "parametric_prior": # create dict with all hyperparameters hyp_dict = dict() hp_keys=list() param_names=list() hp_names=list() initialized_hyperparam = dict() for i in range(len(parameters)): hyp_dict[f"param{i}"] = parameters[i]["hyperparams"] param_names += [parameters[i]["name"]]*len(parameters[i]["hyperparams"]) hp_keys += list(parameters[i]["hyperparams"].keys()) for j in range(len(parameters[i]["hyperparams"])): current_key = list(parameters[i]["hyperparams"].keys())[j] hp_names.append(parameters[i]["hyperparams"][current_key]["name"]) checked_params=list() for j, (i, hp_n, hp_k) in enumerate(zip(tf.unique(param_names).idx, hp_names, hp_keys)): hp_dict = parameters[i]["hyperparams"][hp_k] if hp_dict["shared"] and hp_dict["name"] in checked_params: pass #initialized_hyperparam[f"{hp_k}"] = initialized_hyperparam[f"{hp_k}"] else: # get initial value initial_value = init_matrix_slice[hp_n] # initialize hyperparameter initialized_hyperparam[f"{hp_k}_{hp_n}"] = tf.Variable( initial_value=hp_dict["constraint"](initial_value), trainable=True, name=f"{hp_n}", ) # save initialized priors init_prior = initialized_hyperparam if hp_dict["shared"]: checked_params.append(hp_n) if method == "deep_prior": # for more information see BayesFlow documentation # INN = network["inference_network"] invertible_neural_network = INN(**network["network_specs"]) # save initialized priors init_prior = invertible_neural_network return init_prior
[docs] def sample_from_priors(initialized_priors, ground_truth, num_samples, B, seed, method, parameters, network, expert): """ Samples from initialized prior distributions. Parameters ---------- initialized_priors : dict initialized prior distributions ready for sampling. ground_truth : bool whether simulations are based on ground truth (then sampling is performed from true distribution). global_dict : dict dictionary including all user-input settings.. Returns ------- prior_samples : dict Samples from prior distributions. """ # set seed tf.random.set_seed(seed) if ground_truth: # number of samples for ground truth rep_true = expert["num_samples"] priors = [] for prior in list(expert["ground_truth"].values()): # sample from the prior distribution priors.append(prior.sample((1, rep_true))) # this is a workaround for the changed shape when a # multivariate prior is used if type(priors[0]) is list: prior_samples = tf.concat(priors[0], axis=-1) elif tf.rank(priors[0]) > 2: prior_samples = tf.concat(priors, axis=-1) else: prior_samples = tf.stack(priors, axis=-1) if (method == "parametric_prior") and (not ground_truth): priors = [] for i in range(len(parameters)): # get the prior distribution family as specified by the user prior_family = parameters[i]["family"] hp_k=list(parameters[i]["hyperparams"].keys()) init_dict={} for k in hp_k: hp_n=parameters[i]["hyperparams"][k]["name"] init_key = f"{k}_{hp_n}" init_dict[f"{k}"]=initialized_priors[init_key] # sample from the prior distribution priors.append( prior_family(**init_dict).sample((B, num_samples)) ) # stack all prior distributions into one tf.Tensor of # shape (B, S, num_parameters) prior_samples = tf.concat(priors, axis=-1) if (method == "deep_prior") and (not ground_truth): # initialize base distribution base_dist = network["base_distribution"](num_params=len(parameters)) # sample from base distribution u = base_dist.sample((B, num_samples)) # apply transformation function to samples from base distr. prior_samples, _ = initialized_priors(u, condition=None, inverse=False) return prior_samples
[docs] def softmax_gumbel_trick(epred: float, likelihood: callable, upper_thres: float, temp: float, seed: int): """ The softmax-gumbel trick computes a continuous approximation of ypred from a discrete likelihood and thus allows for the computation of gradients for discrete random variables. Currently this approach is only implemented for models without upper boundary (e.g., Poisson model). Corresponding literature: - Maddison, C. J., Mnih, A. & Teh, Y. W. The concrete distribution: A continuous relaxation of discrete random variables in International Conference on Learning Representations (2017). - Jang, E., Gu, S. & Poole, B. Categorical reparameterization with gumbel-softmax in International Conference on Learning Representations (2017). - Joo, W., Kim, D., Shin, S. & Moon, I.-C. Generalized gumbel-softmax gradient estimator for generic discrete random variables. Preprint at (2020). Parameters ---------- model_simulations : dict dictionary containing all simulated output variables from the generative model. global_dict : dict dictionary including all user-input settings. Returns ------- ypred : tf.Tensor continuously approximated ypred from the discrete likelihood. """ # set seed tf.random.set_seed(seed) # get batch size B = epred.shape[0] # get number of simulations from priors S = epred.shape[1] # get number of observations number_obs = epred.shape[2] # constant outcome vector (including zero outcome) thres = upper_thres c = tf.range(thres + 1, delta=1, dtype=tf.float32) # broadcast to shape (B, rep, outcome-length) c_brct = tf.broadcast_to(c[None, None, None, :], shape=(B, S, number_obs, len(c))) # compute pmf value pi = likelihood.prob(c_brct) # prevent underflow pi = tf.where(pi < 1.8 * 10 ** (-30), 1.8 * 10 ** (-30), pi) # sample from uniform u = tfd.Uniform(0, 1).sample((B, S, number_obs, len(c))) # generate a gumbel sample from uniform sample g = -tf.math.log(-tf.math.log(u)) # softmax gumbel trick w = tf.nn.softmax( tf.math.divide( tf.math.add(tf.math.log(pi), g), temp, ) ) # reparameterization/linear transformation ypred = tf.reduce_sum(tf.multiply(w, c), axis=-1) return ypred
[docs] def simulate_from_generator(prior_samples, seed, model): """ Simulates data from the specified generative model. Parameters ---------- prior_samples : dict samples from prior distributions. global_dict : dict dictionary including all user-input settings. Returns ------- model_simulations : dict simulated data from generative model. """ # set seed tf.random.set_seed(seed) # get model and initialize generative model GenerativeModel = model["obj"] generative_model = GenerativeModel() # get model specific arguments (that are not prior samples) add_model_args = model.copy() add_model_args.pop("obj") add_model_args["seed"]=seed # simulate from generator if add_model_args is not None: model_simulations = generative_model(prior_samples, **add_model_args) else: model_simulations = generative_model(prior_samples) return model_simulations