
During my bachelor’s studies in business psychology, I primarily focused on the user perspective, utilizing methods from market research and consumer psychology to address specific content-related questions. I deepened this perspective through internships and research assistant positions at market research institutes such as Ipsos GmbH and Produkt+Markt GmbH.

Simultaneously, I realized that I lacked knowledge in modeling to develop models that are flexible enough to address both content-related questions and the particularity of data adequately. This realization led me to pursue a master’s degree in cognitive science, with specializations in artificial intelligence and cognitive psychology. During this time, I gained insights into formal modeling methods and their implementation in R and Python. In particular, I was greatly impressed by the flexibility offered by the Bayesian framework.

The desire to further deepen my knowledge in formal modeling, Bayesian statistics, and especially the computational implementation of methods led me to stay in academia as research associate first in psychological methods at Philipps-university of Marburg and then in computational statistics at TU Dortmund university. Information about my current contributions can be found on Publications & Talks page as well as on my project website.

My overarching goal is to integrate the valuable insights from application, methodology, and computational statistics to develop methods that encompass all perspectives.

Download my CV.


📑 Research Associate, currently
Statistics Department; Computational Statistics
TU Dortmund university

📑 Research Associate, until 2022
Psychology Department; Methods & Statistics
Philipps university of Marburg

🎓 M.Sc. in Cognitive Science, 2020
Majors: Cognitive modeling & Artificial intelligence
University of Osnabrück

🎓 B.Sc. in Business Psychology, 2018
Majors: Market research & Consumer behavior
University of applied Science Harz, Wernigerode

🎓 Marketing Communications Specialist, 2014
Vocational training recognized by the IHK (chamber of industry & commerce)


  • data science
  • computational modeling
  • machine learning
  • Bayesian statistics
  • method development
  • research software engineering
  • open science
  • philosphy of science